Access to the Apprenticeship Levy makes it easy for primary and secondary schools to train existing Teaching Assistants, cover supervisors and others with some classroom experience, as teachers. Learners undertake the course while employed for a minimum of 30 hours per week.

Course content includes academic theory along with classroom practice in an Aspirations Academy setting.

Who Should Apply?

This apprenticeship is ideal for the widest range of suitably qualified candidates, including Teaching Assistants in schools, graduates employed as unqualified teachers in supervisory or other roles in schools, and other, degree-qualified non-teaching employees in schools who wish to undertake Initial Teacher Training. All may now achieve QTS (Qualified Teacher Status).

How is the Course Delivered?

Hybrid delivery means a mix of online study with academic assignments, along with classroom practice and face-to-face mentoring. Candidates will continue to work in their school, making for the most efficient teaching and learning. The course is typically 12 months’ duration.

What are the Benefits to Schools?

There are many benefits to schools which take this route to train their teachers. There is a clear cost efficiency benefit but there are also benefits in attracting and recruiting graduates, as well as in training staff identified as having potential and aptitude, in a way closely tailored to the school’s requirements.

Apprenticeship Application

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