How we are governed
All Aspirations academies are part of a single charitable company known as the Aspirations Academies Trust. Our principal regulator is the Department for Education.
In a multi-academy trust such as Aspirations, the Board of Trustees is the legal governing body of every Aspirations school. The Board has the power to conduct the affairs of the Trust and its academies.
In practice, many of these powers are delegated to other governance structures and executive leaders. The Board challenges and holds the executive team to account for the educational and financial performance of the Trust.
Rigorous monitoring provides high-quality information about our academies, which supports effective decision-making at all levels of governance.
The Regional model
Our academies are located in geographic clusters, or Regions, led by a Regional CEO. Regions leverage the geographical proximity of their academies in areas such as marketing, lettings opportunities, business partnerships and community relations. This also enables cross-phase and cross-academy working opportunities.
Our governance structures
Board of Trustees: Comprised of volunteers chosen for their extensive experience in the education, charity and private sectors, the Board of Trustees is ultimately accountable for the performance of the Trust. Trustees agree the strategy for the Trust and monitor its implementation. The Board also approves policies, budgets and future plans.
Audit & Risk Committee; Finance Committee; Remuneration Committee; and Aspirations Learning Institute Committee: These are committees of the Board. They undertake functions delegated to them by the Board of Trustees.
Executive Operational Board (EOB): Day-to-day operation of the Trust is delegated to the EOB. The EOB comprises of operational leads in the Central Management Team and Regional CEOs who deliver the Trust’s strategy and maintain oversight of Trust’s performance. As part of its oversight function, the EOB is responsible for conducting financial and educational monitoring of our academies.
Regional Boards: The Regional Boards operate as the local governing bodies of the Trust’s academies. The Trust currently has four Regional Boards each having responsibilities for the Trust’s academies that are located within their geographical area. The Regional Boards monitor, support and challenge the relevant academies. They also scrutinise educational and financial data of each academy. This validates the monitoring activities that are undertaken by EOB members.