“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

These words of wisdom are an old African proverb but they encapsulate the aim behind creating the Aspirations Multi Academy Trust community.

Aspirations educate over 9,000 pupils across the ages from 2 to 18 in 16, soon to be 17, different academies.

We have a very impressive track record of success in terms of rapidly improving schools to an OFSTED judgement of ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’.

Become an Aspirations Academy

How to become an Aspirations Academy

The Aspirations Academies Trust is keen to grow the number of Aspirations Academies. Aspirations want to help prepare an increasing number of young people for a happy and successful life in this fast-changing world.

There are two ways schools can join the Trust:

  1. Schools, academies and small Multi-Academy Trusts can apply to Aspirations directly to become a fully-fledged Aspirations Academy.
  2. Schools, academies and small Multi-Academy Trusts can apply for Associate Membership.

Find out more about being an ASSOCIATE member HERE

Associate Membership

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